Saturday, January 12, 2013

What is literacy

Hello :)

      To me literacy is being able to read and write. Teaching little children how to read and write can be extremely difficult. I believe that teaching takes a lot of patience and repetition. I am not a big fan of reading, but if I am interested in the topic I will most likely read it. Therefore having books that your students can relate to is important. children and people in general want to see themselves in books, if they are not represented or they feel that they cannot relate to the story that alone can make them not want to read a book. I also believe that culture plays a big role in literature. Culture is going to affect how people perceive the information that they are reading. Culture is learned and is embedded of norms. Children will know what is excepted in their culture and what is not, therefore depending on what they are reading they will either be for or against the message (sometimes neutral).

1 comment:

  1. Did I answer your question about posting comments at the end of class today? I couldn't tell if you were still with me.

    "children and people in general want to see themselves in books" - yes! I have heard people who study Children's Literature say books should be mirrors and windows.. mirrors to see and recognize ourselves, affirm our culture and windows to see and understand others. I highly recommend this talk:
    it speaks to the issues of seeing ourselves in books. Perhaps we will watch it in class on Friday. So much to read/watch/discuss and so little time. I look forward to hearing about your experiences in class.

    Lets talk more about representation in books!
