Monday, March 4, 2013



        Chopsticks really blew my mind. From the beginning of the text, I understood that Glory was a piano prodigy raised by her single father. It was clear to me that her mother passed away and that she was clearly unhappy. Things started to get blurry when a flash back of what led to her disappearance was shown through the pictures in the book. The thing that bothers me the most is not knowing what really happened or what was real. The whole time I was looking and analyzing the book, I thought that Frank was real. After discussing it with my group members we were all disappointed that we did not know what really happened. The author leaves the reader to decide what is real and what is not real. This was the first time I have ever read a book like this so I did not know what to think. This book would be great for middle and high school students. This text forces people to pay close attention to detail within pictures. The book can also help with the development of imagination. With words it is sometimes easy to find the right answer, but with pictures everyone can have their own interpretation.  Reading this text allowed me to call upon my prior knowledge to understand and make inferences of the text. I suddenly felt like a child who was learning how to read for the first time. This book would be great to read in a class room and to do activities with because it would allow students to be creative and to create their own ending for the story. I think that like me, my classmates struggled with the idea of not having a right answer. I think that it is because we are adult readers ad we are so used to having a right and wrong answer to everything.   

1 comment:

  1. This book still baffles me. I want to buy it so badly because I feel like no matter how many times I read it, I will always see something new. Like you said, it definitely wasn't easy ending the story without knowing the truth, but I think that's part of what makes it such a captivating story. If you knew the ending, would you still be as engaged? I also think it would be a great story for a class, but it would have to be an older class, I think.
