Thursday, March 7, 2013

Reading instructions for English Language Learners

      I really enjoyed reading this chapter in the Graves text because I could personally relate to it. Learning to read English as a second language in the United States is a task that can be very difficult. On page 410, the Graves text identifies some challenges that come with learning to read in a second language. On page 410 it is stated that “researchers indicate that it takes English language learners five years to reach the total oral skill level of their English speaking peers”( Graves 410). The graves text states that students are coming to school with some prior knowledge of language. The only difference for English language learners is that the language that they were being exposed to ore learning when they were younger was not target language. It is not the language that they are going to be taught in, in the United States. The text describes some challenges that are faced by teachers in teaching English as a second language. One of the things mentioned in the Graves text that can help teachers help ELL students is recognize and build on strength. It states that “a teacher should start with what the student can do best and then work towards more difficult task” (Graves 418). Using familiar metaphors and experiences and creating a sense of family and caring are two other ways mention by the Graves text that could help English as second language learners

            On page 421 the 20 percent rule is discussed. It is basically stating that though languages are very different, overlap between languages can be as much as 20 percent. Two different languages can have common words or sounds, this could be used to help English as a second language learners. Time is something that is also stressed in this chapter. It takes time to learn any language. It is stated on page 422 that “children who English is not their first language will not be as automatic as other students in completing an English-speaking task” (Graves 422). This chapter basically acknowledges that teaching and both learning English as a second language can be difficult. At the same time there are strategies both for students and teachers to help with the learning process.  

1 comment:

  1. 1:30 am??

    Well done. I can see you have taken my comments and incorporated them in your recent posts.
